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Item # 352131,352136 Antique Flemish Tapestry 5'0" H x 2'0" W
352131,352136 Flemish Tapestry 5-0 x 2-0
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352131,352136 Flemish Tapestry 5-0 x 2-0
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352131,352136 Flemish Tapestry 5-0 x 2-0
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352131,352136 Flemish Tapestry 5-0 x 2-0
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352131,352136 Flemish Tapestry 5-0 x 2-0
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352131,352136 Flemish Tapestry 5-0 x 2-0
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352131,352136 Flemish Tapestry 5-0 x 2-0
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352131,352136 Flemish Tapestry 5-0 x 2-0
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352131,352136 Flemish Tapestry 5-0 x 2-0
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352131,352136 Flemish Tapestry 5-0 x 2-0
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352131,352136 Flemish Tapestry 5-0 x 2-0
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352131,352136 Flemish Tapestry 5-0 x 2-0
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Price Available Upon Request
Item Number: 352131,352136
Name: Flemish Tapestry
Size: 5' 0" H x 2' 0" W
(1.52m x 0.61m)
Origin: Flemish
Size Category: Historical Tapestries
Vertical Tapestries
Antiquity: Circa Late 16th Century
Primary Design: Art Deco
Sub-Design: Art Deco
Design Genre Allegorical Tapestry
Historical Tapestry
Tapestry Panels
Field Color:
Border Color:
Composition: Wool with silk inlay
Condition: Fragment

Vertically Oriented Pair of Late 16th Century Flemish Historical Tapestry Panels

A pair of 16th Century Brussels Historical Tapestry panels. This horizontally oriented pair of decorative tapestry panels depicts scrolling foliate designs, with grotesques on the bottom, vases and Roman columns on the top, and with variety of fruiting and flowering elements in between. The central area is enclosed within a narrow monochrome border. Wool with silk inlay. In very good condition for its age and weaving style, with minor wear, fading and losses, all typical for items of this age, composition, and weaving style.

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